Roster required business tasks and times
A fast and easy labour planning tool
Assign staff shifts across departments, locations or job roles
Automatically apply hourly costs
Based on the pay rates within a department or even the job type
View staff coverage per hour
By department, by role and highlights any gaps or coverage shortfalls
Seamless payroll processing
Employee timesheets include hours, pay rates by department and role
Employee coverage made easy
Plan the right people at the right place
Ensure the required departmental shifts and roles are scheduled
Highlight gaps and shortfalls
View employee coverage per hour, by department or by role
Edit and update as required
Manage attendance records by department or role after the event
Budgeting and forecasting
Plan and analyse employee costs and revenue across the business
Connecting everyone to the business
Automate manual processes
Send shifts and roster times employees can view instantly
Approve or decline holiday requests
Update rosters and employee’s holiday balances
Manage absences as they occur
Approve paid and unpaid employee absences by reason
Manage any shift changes
Send shift offers, approve shift swaps and add new shifts
A Staff App connecting everyone
Employees can view their schedules instantly
Clock in & out with GPS location tracking
Send or receive shift swap requests
Send requests and view pending approvals
Digitally sign and send any documents
Send absence notifications by reason
Send holiday requests & view balances
View and update personal details anytime